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Miss You Already Free Down load

The friendship between two life-long girlfriends is put to the test when one starts a family and the other falls ill.


Catherine Hardwicke


Morwenna Banks (screenplay)


Drew Barrymore, Toni Collette, Dominic Cooper | See full cast & crew »


Milly and Jess have been best friends forever. They've shared everything since they were kids - secrets, clothes, laughs, substances, boyfriends... now they are trying to be grown-ups. Milly has a high-flying job and lives in a beautiful townhouse with husband Kit and their two kids. Jess is a town planner and she and her boyfriend Jago live on a bohemian houseboat on a London canal. Their friendship is as rock solid as ever. That is until Jess struggles to have a much longed-for baby and Milly finds out she has breast cancer. How do you share that? 

User Reviews

A toned down 50/50 for women. Very heartfelt comedy that will leave you feeling happy, which is hard to do with this subject
26 February 2016 | by (United States) – See all my reviews
"I just don't want to rub it in that my life is great right now." Jess (Barrymore) and Milly (Collette) have been friends forever. They have experienced the best and worst life has to offer them. Their strength of their friendship is tested when Milly is diagnosed with cancer and Jess becomes pregnant. This is a very good movie that isn't as depressing as you may think. The chemistry between the two actresses is perfect and you really feel like they have been friends for years and years. The movie is comedy, drama, real and emotional all at the same time without ever becoming sappy or totally clichéd. I think that women will enjoy this more than men, but I did think it was good and I actually do recommend this. A great story about true friendship and being there for each other no matter what happens. It's a toned down 50/50 for women. Overall, a very heartfelt comedy that will leave you feeling happy, which is hard to do with this subject matter. I give this a B.





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